
Jan 24, 2011


     It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow. Destroying is a necessary function in life. Everything has its season, and all things eventually lose their effectiveness and die.Thus that which is the most awful of evils, death, is nothing to us, since when we exist there is no death, and when there is death we do not exist. Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you're free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in.

wishful dream

If I had one wish to make
I'd use it up on you.
Just to see you one more time
In the heavenly sky so blue
All I have are the memories
The good ones and the bad
The day i finally let it go
And left you more than sad
I wish that i could come back here
And fill back up this hole
I put it there years ago
When my body left my soul
You always made me feel special
You were always there it seems
But after all this is too big
It's only wishful Dream

Life or Dead

     Hmm, kita ney manusia ciptaan Allah kn, bila tiba msa kita tetap jg akn blik ke tmpt-Nya.. Tapi bila?? Sepa yg tw?? Tda org tw th suma. Tapi, npa aq rsa msa aq da dkt arr?? nak ckp gila x jg. Tp lately aq slalu dpt sign psl bnda2 mcm ney.. OMG! seriously sape x tkut mati kn ?!! Hurmm. Aq hrp bla da tiba msa ny nnt aq da btul2 ready utk ney .. huhu .. 

Bye Myspace Comments

Jan 23, 2011

Life isnt that simple as you think.

     A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction. Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.

Jan 22, 2011

My sweetheart

 Glitter Words Myspace Comments

 Mark Wayne Salling 
 August 17, 1982 
 Dallas, TX 

He's HOT ! I love him ! 

Glitter Words Myspace Comments

Jan 20, 2011

Topic of the day : BACKSTABBER

     The underlying problem with many Backstabbers is a lack of self-esteem. Remember that Backstabbers are sneaky,slick,seductive, and sabotaging. Backstabbers specialize in saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. They put on a front that appears accommodating, loyal, and yes, even sacrificial. Then, without warning, they raise their knife,and by the time you see the glint of the blade, it's almost always too late. Backstabbers operate out of insecurity, believing they have to have perfect order to eliminate any threat to their power. Backstabbers ooze anger. In all likelihood, Backstabbers are quite pleasant and supportive on the surface. But that's a mask. Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to deal with men and women who make promises they have no intention of keeping.You know that you have been stabbed when you feel the deep pain of betrayal. I just think it's the wrong thing to do, and I think stabbing us in the back is wrong. I'll bet you would not list gossip,backstabbing or negativity as one of the desirable values you hold dear. Backstabbing, by the way, is not to be confused with a minor slipup like canceling lunch at the last minute or neglecting to return a phone call. Backstabbing occurs when a friend agrees with you when the tow of you are alone but later sides with your opponents in a social setting.

Jan 19, 2011

Im just a G.I.R.L

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

She's the one all the boys loved because she lit up the room, and she's the one all the girls hated for the very same reason. 

This is my life

Life defines in Metabolism,
In reproduction,
we make our miniature selves, our look alike
In the power of adaptation, like what is in now,
What is fashionable, how I blend with all of you
How I mimic you, how I become a clown to you,
Life in being nice. This is my life
A short and a merry one
This my life In the middle of my own life
To life, a life, in the hope of discovering the meaning of my life,
My speech my poetry
Come to life with me to the life,
for the life of one like me,
Not taking this life in my own hands,
Never, never,
To life, this is life
As big as life, as large as life is large
In resiliency, in elasticity
Animations, cartooning, animate,
I vivify, I vilify, I quicken, I liken
The life force in my life’s functions
Drawn from life to life drawn
Dream to life a life full of dreams
This liveliness, this sparkle
This effervescence of life,
this bubbling life like wine
This sprightliness like soft
Drink like energy drinks
This verve, this vigor this vivacity
Of life to life as big as life My life
This is my life
This me I am life
I am energy
i am in this poem trying to run
away from everything in my life,
running in life to life and life,
because of life, for life.


Jan 18, 2011

A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding.

      There seems to be a terrible misunderstanding on the part of a great many people to the effect that when you cease to believe you may cease to behave. To be misunderstood can be the writer's punishment for having disturbed the reader's peace. The greater the disturbance, the greater the possibility of misunderstanding. We are infected by our own misunderstanding of how our own minds work. Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood. Moving on is simple, what you leave behind that makes it difficult. A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight. The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.

xoxo : Nadia Nadine

Jan 17, 2011

Miss you

      Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will.  Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell. I'm wishing that someday, you'll miss me terribly that no matter how hard you'll look for me, you wouldn't find me.. because I want you to miss me the same way I'm missing you.

Miss You Myspace Comments

xoxo : Nadia Nadine


17 Januari 2011
Td sya on9 FB, npe tba2 th t'grak aty nk bka FB minah sorg ney.. haha! yg lucu sgt th bla tgk relationship dea ngn bf dea th. Adoyaii, minah sorg ney ley d kta kn bf sume mmber2 gak.. i've got something for ue dear , "TISU" ! Hoho!! hmm, hrp2 korg kekal yer minah.. 

xoxo: Nadia Nadine

Jan 13, 2011

i miss you..

    I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you. Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will. Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too. Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad because I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
    As I look back on all that's happened.. growing up, growing together, changing you, changing me  there were times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I realize how much I truly miss you and how much I truly love you. The past may be gone forever.. and whatever the future holds, our today's make the memories of tomorrow. So, my lifetime friend, it is with all my heart that I send you my love, hoping that you'll always carry my smile with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.

Jan 9, 2011

moving on..

   By forgiving and choosing to move on, one takes the power back to morph it into positive energy. Sometimes the cards we are dealt are not always fair. However you must keep smiling & moving on. Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing! I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. And I don't need anybody to make me somebody.We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Jan 7, 2011

Papa ..

As I sit awake and in the middle of the night,
I'm thinking of all the things I should have said before you left,
and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here.
He's the cutest, sweetest, nicest, greatest, most romantic,
most insensitive jerk I have ever met.
True love?
I used to believe it existed,
but when you've had your heart torn
and thrown on the floor, you just don't care anymore.
I want to scream. I want to shout.
I want to have faith and never doubt.
I want to bend, I want to break,
to sleep and never wake.
To break down walls and to escape,
be alone and hide my face.
I want to feel, I want to touch.
I want to stop wanting you so much.

Jan 24, 2011


     It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow. Destroying is a necessary function in life. Everything has its season, and all things eventually lose their effectiveness and die.Thus that which is the most awful of evils, death, is nothing to us, since when we exist there is no death, and when there is death we do not exist. Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you're free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in.

wishful dream

If I had one wish to make
I'd use it up on you.
Just to see you one more time
In the heavenly sky so blue
All I have are the memories
The good ones and the bad
The day i finally let it go
And left you more than sad
I wish that i could come back here
And fill back up this hole
I put it there years ago
When my body left my soul
You always made me feel special
You were always there it seems
But after all this is too big
It's only wishful Dream

Life or Dead

     Hmm, kita ney manusia ciptaan Allah kn, bila tiba msa kita tetap jg akn blik ke tmpt-Nya.. Tapi bila?? Sepa yg tw?? Tda org tw th suma. Tapi, npa aq rsa msa aq da dkt arr?? nak ckp gila x jg. Tp lately aq slalu dpt sign psl bnda2 mcm ney.. OMG! seriously sape x tkut mati kn ?!! Hurmm. Aq hrp bla da tiba msa ny nnt aq da btul2 ready utk ney .. huhu .. 

Bye Myspace Comments

Jan 23, 2011

Life isnt that simple as you think.

     A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction. Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.

Jan 22, 2011

My sweetheart

 Glitter Words Myspace Comments

 Mark Wayne Salling 
 August 17, 1982 
 Dallas, TX 

He's HOT ! I love him ! 

Glitter Words Myspace Comments

Jan 20, 2011

Topic of the day : BACKSTABBER

     The underlying problem with many Backstabbers is a lack of self-esteem. Remember that Backstabbers are sneaky,slick,seductive, and sabotaging. Backstabbers specialize in saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. They put on a front that appears accommodating, loyal, and yes, even sacrificial. Then, without warning, they raise their knife,and by the time you see the glint of the blade, it's almost always too late. Backstabbers operate out of insecurity, believing they have to have perfect order to eliminate any threat to their power. Backstabbers ooze anger. In all likelihood, Backstabbers are quite pleasant and supportive on the surface. But that's a mask. Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to deal with men and women who make promises they have no intention of keeping.You know that you have been stabbed when you feel the deep pain of betrayal. I just think it's the wrong thing to do, and I think stabbing us in the back is wrong. I'll bet you would not list gossip,backstabbing or negativity as one of the desirable values you hold dear. Backstabbing, by the way, is not to be confused with a minor slipup like canceling lunch at the last minute or neglecting to return a phone call. Backstabbing occurs when a friend agrees with you when the tow of you are alone but later sides with your opponents in a social setting.

Jan 19, 2011

Im just a G.I.R.L

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

Girls Myspace Comments

She's the one all the boys loved because she lit up the room, and she's the one all the girls hated for the very same reason. 

This is my life

Life defines in Metabolism,
In reproduction,
we make our miniature selves, our look alike
In the power of adaptation, like what is in now,
What is fashionable, how I blend with all of you
How I mimic you, how I become a clown to you,
Life in being nice. This is my life
A short and a merry one
This my life In the middle of my own life
To life, a life, in the hope of discovering the meaning of my life,
My speech my poetry
Come to life with me to the life,
for the life of one like me,
Not taking this life in my own hands,
Never, never,
To life, this is life
As big as life, as large as life is large
In resiliency, in elasticity
Animations, cartooning, animate,
I vivify, I vilify, I quicken, I liken
The life force in my life’s functions
Drawn from life to life drawn
Dream to life a life full of dreams
This liveliness, this sparkle
This effervescence of life,
this bubbling life like wine
This sprightliness like soft
Drink like energy drinks
This verve, this vigor this vivacity
Of life to life as big as life My life
This is my life
This me I am life
I am energy
i am in this poem trying to run
away from everything in my life,
running in life to life and life,
because of life, for life.


Jan 18, 2011

A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding.

      There seems to be a terrible misunderstanding on the part of a great many people to the effect that when you cease to believe you may cease to behave. To be misunderstood can be the writer's punishment for having disturbed the reader's peace. The greater the disturbance, the greater the possibility of misunderstanding. We are infected by our own misunderstanding of how our own minds work. Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood. Moving on is simple, what you leave behind that makes it difficult. A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight. The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.

xoxo : Nadia Nadine

Jan 17, 2011

Miss you

      Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will.  Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell. I'm wishing that someday, you'll miss me terribly that no matter how hard you'll look for me, you wouldn't find me.. because I want you to miss me the same way I'm missing you.

Miss You Myspace Comments

xoxo : Nadia Nadine


17 Januari 2011
Td sya on9 FB, npe tba2 th t'grak aty nk bka FB minah sorg ney.. haha! yg lucu sgt th bla tgk relationship dea ngn bf dea th. Adoyaii, minah sorg ney ley d kta kn bf sume mmber2 gak.. i've got something for ue dear , "TISU" ! Hoho!! hmm, hrp2 korg kekal yer minah.. 

xoxo: Nadia Nadine

Jan 13, 2011

i miss you..

    I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you. Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will. Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too. Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad because I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
    As I look back on all that's happened.. growing up, growing together, changing you, changing me  there were times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I realize how much I truly miss you and how much I truly love you. The past may be gone forever.. and whatever the future holds, our today's make the memories of tomorrow. So, my lifetime friend, it is with all my heart that I send you my love, hoping that you'll always carry my smile with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.

Jan 9, 2011

moving on..

   By forgiving and choosing to move on, one takes the power back to morph it into positive energy. Sometimes the cards we are dealt are not always fair. However you must keep smiling & moving on. Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing! I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. And I don't need anybody to make me somebody.We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Jan 7, 2011

Papa ..

As I sit awake and in the middle of the night,
I'm thinking of all the things I should have said before you left,
and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here.
He's the cutest, sweetest, nicest, greatest, most romantic,
most insensitive jerk I have ever met.
True love?
I used to believe it existed,
but when you've had your heart torn
and thrown on the floor, you just don't care anymore.
I want to scream. I want to shout.
I want to have faith and never doubt.
I want to bend, I want to break,
to sleep and never wake.
To break down walls and to escape,
be alone and hide my face.
I want to feel, I want to touch.
I want to stop wanting you so much.